My mission in supporting your transition
Through the creation of space for self-empowerment and self-advocacy in my families, I contribute to society in fostering an equitable start or ending. My role in supplementing the provision of healthcare includes ensuring quality of life, but access to basic needs/education/public resources/mental and physical health. My competency concerning the American healthcare system exists to guide clients through insured, and non-insured interactions. My hope is that you are seen, heard, cared for, and guided to anchor YOU to improve the health of your life AND lineage.
Healthcare does not just need navigators, it needs facilitators and guides. Creating and managing projects/programs/systems that serve to improve it’s function is a passion that parallels the mission held in homes.
Heart Rituals Tenets of Care
Birth & Deathworkers should create opportunity, and encourage self-empowerment.
Advice and decisions are examined through holistic health, Evidence-Based medicine, socio-cultural and economic lenses.
Reparations in the form of mutual aid for Black families are a necessary response to systemic racism and incarceration.
Creation of rituals fosters land-mind-body connection.
Service is based in compassion and respect for autonomy.
Birth and Death are factual processes that have require sensitivity, spiritual and cultural awareness.
Gender and race are social constructs. Preferences are honored and open for education.
Education and support are designed to develop and increase self-efficacy.